Saturday, April 3, 2010

Take Up Your Cross

Friday morning as I turned out on the highway from our street, I saw flashing lights and backed up traffic ahead. As I got nearer, I was able to see that traffic was moving, just slowly. Then a little while later (enough to make me late for an appointment) I could see that the sheriff was escorting a Good Friday procession. Making even more headway, I could see that the man carrying the cross had big padding between his shoulder and the cross. As I passed the procession which had moved to the shoulder, I laughed to see that there was a wheel attached to the bottom of the vertical piece. I laughed because this "reenactment" was so far from the reality of Jesus' fight to Golgotha.

Laughter turned to serious thought a moment later as I thought about how this applied to me. Have I picked up my cross each day only after shielding myself from its pain? Have I watered down the will of God for my life as I carry my daily cross?

It wasn't funny anymore.


Mom said...

Isn't it wonderful that way God places a lesson in our path unexpectedly!

Susie said...

It's often a matter of perspective, isn't it. How I want to see God's perspective, not my own!