Monday, October 4, 2010

October 4

Some days are just memorable. Today is such a day.

Today was a Nothing Extra Is Going On Day. Do those really occur? We got about an hour and fifteen minutes of school in before I had to leave and take Jacob to the doctor. I thought we'd be back in a couple of hours. Nope. Don't mistake that "nope" for a complaint. I was actually grateful to be passed on to an orthopedic surgeon in the same day. Really it was more efficient that way. Really. It would have been nice to have the broken arm diagnosis Friday night when we left the emergency room, but we didn't. It's all good, right? Right.

Today was also I Cut Matt's Hair Day. That, too, is memorable because Matt rarely gets a haircut. I actually would post a picture, but my when I got my camera out to do so, the battery was dead.

Today was also Take My Heart Out And Put It On The Limb Day. I am not going to expound much on that. Just suffice it to say that sometimes - not very many sometimes though - I wonder why I so quickly and easily love people. There has been such joy in that, but such sorrow too. Sometimes it's hanging somewhere in the middle and I'm nervously wondering which side of the balance will receive the final tipping weight. The verdict is out, but it is too late to withdraw the heart. Once it's out there, it's out there.

October 4, 2010.


Mom said...

It can be hard to see sometimes, but when things don't go according to "plan" it usually means God is at work.

Mom said...

BTW Who is Matt?