Tuesday, November 11, 2008

And Another One Bites the Dust

Josiah is the latest victim in our run of situations requiring medical attention. The kids and I have been reading together in the evening followed by 30 - 45 minutes of a movie. Tonight, instead of a portion, we needed to watch all of Kit Kittredge so it could be returned tomorrow, creating a later night. Josiah fell asleep during the movie, and remained so until John got home from work just after 11 PM. John woke him to go up to bed. Josiah got to the top of the stairs and began running to his bedroom. Once there, he attempted to dive onto his bed. Instead he dove into the 2 x 6 wooden bed frame. It gashed his cheek and blackened his eye. We quickly went off to the ER.

We are home now, Josiah sporting five stitches. John and I both are going to have to function with only tiny bits of sleep. Please, please pray for us. It is so hard to be and do all that is required when you are sleep deprived. Pray also for Josiah. It appears that the bony structures were unharmed, but I would still be grateful for prayer in that regard. Thanks!


Mom said...

Owie! We will pray and remember, you can only do what you can do -duh! Somethings may need to wait until the next catch-up time.

momawake said...

I've been praying for you.

Amy said...

Ouch! Poor Josiah! I will be praying for you.
And a side note...did you enjoy the Kit movie?