Monday, December 26, 2011

I have been thinking about something the last several hours. I have been wondering about stereotypes. I have long been opposed to "judging a book by its cover." I know that stereotypes exist, however, because of some general truisms. One question is how do you know when the stereotype is an accurate label and when it's not. The second is should we steer clear of things that might earn ourselves a negative, stereotypically driven label.
I knew a young man years ago. He was a good guy and from a well known, good family. His father had a couple of high profile positions.
When the young man reached adulthood he chose a career as a social worker. In his quest to be good at that he adopted some lifestyle choices that made him more accessible to those with whom he worked. He had lovely auburn hair that gently curled - the desire of any self respecting female. He grew his hair long much to his dad's dismay. He refrained from buying a car and adopted a meager existence. He rode a bicycle all over in the practice of social work and periodic preaching for a small church several miles away in another little bitty midwestern town. He was selfless and full of compassion. He was devoted to God.
Before riding a bicycle on the interstate was illegal, he, as he peddled al

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