Tuesday, June 10, 2008


**Note** Sorry the following post is so messy. I have spent lots of time trying to fix it, but can't get it to do what I am used to doing. I'm not sure if it's the new computer or the different browser. Ugh.

James and Joshua are both at camp this week, so I thought I would come up with some fun activities for the children at home. Today we went bowling with "free" coupons. (The shoe rental wasn't free and was $3 per person!! So much for free!) Joseph was the star, nearly beating John, who only came back at the end to narrowly overcome Joseph.

Jacob did pretty well. With some practice he could have a pretty good game.

Jared was a natural. We used the bumpers to avoid gutter balls, but he rarely needed them. He was just at ease and had good form.

Nancy celebrated after every ball - no matter the outcome=)

Josiah always looked crooked as he bowled, just like this picture.

Joseph shone brightly today. He nearly beat John who only narrowly overcame him at the very end. Joseph's score is at the top of the scoreboard.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I am not surprised by any of your assessments of the kids' bowling prowess. I remember playing games with Nancy - she always "won!" Joseph has many talents not usually valued, but worthy of development. Similarly, Jacob seems to be overlooked like many who come in second or third in a race, but he always "finishes the race" which is the real goal. Jared has that quiet strength which is overlooked until he has a chance to be noticed. What a fun way to give the kids a boost.