Wednesday, September 3, 2008

JW's Car

Last year JW bought the car you will see here. He had a performance engine put in it, and recently put a new exhaust on it. You can see and hear that here. He sent picture and video message to John and I on our phones so we could see (and hear) what he'd had done. I was so glad that he shared and wanted to pass it on to you=) Oh, and I got to drive it in May. Well, that is I backed it out of its parking spot and moved it to an adjacent one. It was enough to say I'd driven it=)


Mom said...

It must be a guy thing.

momawake said...

Exactly! :)

Mom to Anyone said...

A guy thing, yes. And you know, I think I have truly learned to enjoy that. I wouldn't want my guys to be feminine or my girls to be masculine. It is as it should be. Vroooom, Vrooom=)

Mom said...

My comment was about me, not anyone else. Sorry.:(