Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Changing the subject

Posts here have been mostly of Jason - and for good reason. The sweetie has been through a lot of noteworthy stuff. However, he does have 10 siblings who have their own news now and then. Today Joseph is in the spotlight. He is very good at making card houses. (Though I don't think "houses" is quite the right word. They sprawl a bit more than houses.) The one he made today is worth showing off, methinks.


Bethany Joy said...

Wow! This is very impressive work!

momawake said...

What fun. Thanks for sharing. How is Jason doing?

Amy said...

Wow! Very cool! (Can you teach me some things when we come?? My card houses end up looking just like that - cards. They fall down. Although I have had some luck with those sugar packets at restraunts...although I can never get higher than two levels. Then the weight's too much for the bottom packets and they collapse)

Mom said...

I am going to risk a guess. Is it a fort? It also kind of looks like a bow. Whatever, you have a steady hand, Joseph!

Amy said...

It looks like a fort to me...

Jeni said...

I am so impressed!!! I would be klutzy enough to bump the cards while moving around and building it that would never look like this. THAT IS ... if I could even get one section stacked at all... HAHA! Good job, Joseph!!!!

lissa said...

wow.... i am speechless.... for once..