Friday, November 9, 2007

The Third Day

I don't have much time to write, but I wanted to put pictures here of Jason. Today hasn't been a wonderful day. It hasn't been awful either, though. Feeding him is still a challenge. Frequently, it is a fight to get him to eat. I will be very glad when that part is over. Overall, I think he's doing very well.

John referred to Jason as Hitler yesterday. The pictures reveal why. (Thankfully bruises are temporary.) The profile was yesterday, the other today. You can tell in the one of today that the swelling is going down partially due to the wrinkled look of the skin.


Mom said...

How I wish Jason could be spared this hurt, but he sure does look great. It won't be long until his precious smile will again be spontaneous and heart melting.

Amy said...

Awww, what a sweetie!


Bethany Joy said...

He looks great for all he's been through in the past week! It looks like it's healing nicely too, so that's good! Did you get the splint situation taken care of? I hope so.

Jeni said...

I am so glad to see him. It looks like the surgery did a great job. I am sorry that he is not eating well yet. I know that has to be trying on you too. Take care and know that I love you, think of you often and pray for you. ~Jeni

The Mother Archer said...

You made my day - I'm so glad to have a new friend! Lurk away! Your pictures of your sweet boy are precious. Thanks for sharing! Yup - we have a lot in common. If you ever write to me privately you can do it at my blog name @hotmail, but let me know in a comment because I don't check it very often, and then I'd give you a different address.