Sunday, January 6, 2008

Just a Couple of Things

This morning we had a lesson at church preliminary to a God Does Exist series - or something like that. It was quite good. Anyway, during the lesson he was talking about the Million Monkeys Typing theory that evolutionists have used in support of their position. They claim that a million monkeys typing for a certain length of time will by random chance produce the entirety of Shakespeare's works. At this point, Jared leaned over to me and said, "No wonder Shakespeare is so hard to understand." Too bad it was in the middle of church or I could have laughed long and hard over that.

Jason was sick tonight. He appeared to just have fever. I can tell that his second tooth is almost in, so I hope that's all it was. We weighed him last night, and he had gained about 10 oz. since December 12. That's not huge, but it is still steady growth. I guess that's what matters. He is more adventurous with his mobility now. Last night he persistently scooted to the stairs over and over. He has also discovered an outlet and the dvd/vhs player. The outlet is protected, so it is a safe learning tool. He is also at the point of pulling up in the crib and then not knowing how to get back down. You know the rest of the story: They wear themselves out standing there, then cry because they don't know what to do next.

Joshua leaves on the 17th to go to Indiana. He will be gone 3 weeks and two days. I am really going to miss him. He is very excited, though. While there he will travel to Pittsburgh to go snowboarding, then to Florida for the Florida College Lectureships. He will get to spend time with friends and hopefully with family as well. He surely better tell Haelley how much her grandma loves and misses her. He goes to the doctor on the 14th about his knees. He told me tonight that the doctor better not tell him he can't go snowboarding=)

James is also going to Indiana in January. He leaves on the 22nd and returns on the 29th. He will spend his week with Molly and her family. I will miss him too, but thankfully he'll only be gone a week.

Stacey is starting school tomorrow (7th). At this point she is planning to pursue a secondary education degree but is unsure of keeping that plan. The first semester is so basic that it should be okay if she changes her mind. She is nervous but excited about starting. I think she will do well. She is so capable - and strong enough to plow through her nervousness and any other hurdles. I am proud of her.

John W. is also starting school this month. He will be working on something in business, possibly an associates degree in business management. I need to clarify that with him but keep forgetting to. He has handled his very new adulthood well. He has such a good head on his shoulders. I wish I had been so on the ball. I miss him a lot! So many times I wish I could walk into the New Salisbury church building where he always opened the door for everyone.

I have an adorable picture of Haelley on my phone. It's of her with a Pebbles 'do. Maybe James can help me figure out how to put it on the computer so I can post it here.

My sick baby has finally fallen asleep at nearly midnight, so I think I will do the same. Have a wonderful week everybody!


Mom said...

We have lots to pray about. Thanks for the heads-up to do so.

momawake said...

Thanks for the update. Sounds very busy around there.

Amy said...

Wow, ya'll do have a lot of business around! Joshua's going to be gone a long time!