Sunday, January 13, 2008


Joseph and Jared have been studying air in Science. This was bubble day. It was a lot of fun. Bubbles are just somewhat magical, don't you think?


Mom said...

I would like to know how to do that! What keeps the cup from leaking?

Elizabeth Joy said...

Looks like a fun place to be! We homebirth and homeschool too.

On my blog I'm having a special theme of Wildflowers in Winter. Each week has something different to blog about. Each post on the theme will enter your name in a drawing. In a few weeks there will be a kid's wildflower art contest. Maybe your kids would like to see what they can do. Details are on my blog.

Unknown said...

what a fun picture, but i think you have the names wrong. i'm pretty sure you meant to say James and Joshua............. or......... maybe i'm getting old.