Sunday, March 16, 2008


I haven't posted about Jason's accomplishments for a long time. Here's a quick rundown of what he's doing:
Shaking his head no (heart melting adorable)
Giving "fives"
Walking around furniture, with brief letting go moments
Eating solid food - soy yogurt, fruits and vegies (I am not crazy about baby food, but it's easier for him than smashed chunks. The smoother it is the less likely it seems to get stuck in the cleft palate or to come out his nose. So, I am doing another of those things I didn't think I'd ever do. Funny how that happens.)
Closing the venetian blinds (with help)

Things he's not doing - even though we've worked with him - that I wish he were:
"So big"
Signing please and hungry
Coming voluntarily down the stairs backwards

I am definitely noticing poor hearing. I worry and worry about that. I am hopeful that putting tubes in his ears during palate repair will bring an enormous change to his ear health and function.

This is the mischief of exploring. Watching learning happen is just so much fun!


Bethany Joy said...

He is just too cute! His smile is heart melting, and he's looking more and more like Josiah!

Mom said...

Thank you for the update. What a happy guy! I can't wait to see him in action!