Tuesday, March 4, 2008


The picture is of my Christmas cactus. I got this cactus from my dad years ago, but it has never looked pretty like his does. (He is just a natural at growing things.) However, I keep hanging on to this ugly plant because every once in a long while it blooms. Then the ugly fades away and it's beautiful for a couple of days. Several days ago I noticed flower buds! I actually dragged John by the arm to see them because I was so excited. Today one bud was open, and I knew I had to share the beauty with you all.

James got a job! He will be working as a "courtesy clerk" at Fry's grocery store just a short distance from our house. His training will be Thursday and Saturday, then he'll begin next week. He is pretty excited. Frankly, so am I. Our teenagers have to work if they want to do anything teenagerish, like drive, go to camp, etc., so I am happy for him.

Now I leave you with the funniest thing that I've heard in a while. In fact, it's so good that I'm typing this because every time I try to verbalize it I cannot get through it without laughing out loud.
Josiah came to me and said with a bit of question in his face, "The dog was barfing."

I said, "Are you sure the dog was throwing up?"

"No, no," he quickly responded, "it was woofing."

"Oh, you mean the dog was barking?" I asked.

With humbled giggles he said, "Yeah."


Mom said...

What exciting bits of news! Our Christmas cactus rarely blooms at Christmas, but this year it was right on time and profuse with blooms. God always knows the perfect timing of His blessings. James will be blessed with more than money as he finds a new place to shine for the Lord. I can just hear Josiah. Such a bright observant mind!

momawake said...

The bloom is beautiful and hey it's still winter!

What dog?

shearfam said...

Josiah, Josiah! I miss him so much, he'll have to call and talk to me sometime, hint, hint.
Love to everyone!

The Boring One said...

It's time to update your blog, dear...