Monday, October 27, 2008

He's My Boy

These random pictures of Jason say a lot about who he is. The pictures of him sleeping while standing were taken yesterday. I went to the office, where the photos were taken, to get something, and there he was, snoring away while standing at the chair.

I really like the one of James reading to him. It was a pretty precious moment. Jason doesn't usually sit still for stories, but he sat very contented while James read to him.

Oh, and the picture atop the doll house with the blue thing in his hand? That's a light saber. He's was protecting the fam, I guess.


Mom said...

I wish Jason had not been distracted by the picture taking, because he really was into looking at the book while James read. After all he has been through, no wonder he can sleep standing up. I suspect his parents could do the same!

Leslie said...

The sleeping on the chair while standing is the most adorable thing I've seen in a long time. He's looks like he's grown some since ya'll were here.

Amy said...

I love the sleeping-while-standing pictures...he must've been tired!

momawake said...

I love those pictures! I remember finding Amy in odd sleeping positions or places, but never standing.

Bethany said...

Oh how cute! He looks just like Josiah! I love the pictures. Thanks for the update!