Monday, October 29, 2007


There is good news and then there is GOOD NEWS. You know what I mean? James' appointment with the orthopedic surgeon was very anti-climactic. He said the lateral curve is not bad enough to even be called scoliosis. He said that the appearance of vertebral wedging was a disc that somewhat dips down into the next vertebra. (That has a name, but of course I don't remember what it is.) The other anterior-posterior curve is not really one after all. He said that it is well within normal. After examining James' back he thought that his back pain is muscular and inflammatory. We have orders for a physical therapist to work on that. It wasn't until we were on the way home that my slow processor kicked in and "got it." I was all of the sudden very happy. And James was too. Thank God for sure!!


Bethany Joy said...

That's great news! God works in wonderful ways!

Mom said...

Well, well...God answers prayer, but I am thinking He must be amused at out worrying when He knew all along that it was no big deal. Husbands, by the way, do too sometimes. It is uncanny.

Unknown said...

Thank you Father! Glad to read the good news. love you all, Kendy

momawake said...

I have one of those "slow processors" too. ;-)

Glad for the good news.

Amy said...

Wonderful news! Thanks God for answering prayers! =D