Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas #9

Nancy is girl drama all the time! Those who warned me in her newborn days that she would be a big tomboy were wrong. There is nothing but femininity oozing from between every single pore from head to toe. Every single gift was opened with glee and punctuated with some electrified gesture. She received a Cinderella doll from Michael and Elizabeth with great shouts and screams and fist clenched arm thrusting. Her Barbie cell phone from Jacob was equally adored. The doll house dolls from Santa were met with screeches of "Barbie! Barbie!" even though they weren't Barbies. (She had been asking for weeks for a Barbie and a tiara for Christmas.) The picture in the blue shirt is after Stacey's makeover. Too bad you can't see the painted finger and toe "mails."


Amy said...

Nancy = Big Ham. I love those little curls!

Mom said...

The curls make her look older.